This conference can be seen as part of the ongoing studies of despoiled cultural property (by way of seizures, looting, forced sales, etc.). A great deal of work has been carried out in various institutions, including museums, on despoiled works of art, and more recently on despoiled books. The Philharmonie de Paris and more particularly the Musée de la musique and its Conservation & Research team, wish to play their part in research on looting in the musical field: provenance research, market and circulation of musical instruments, stakeholders and their networks, etc.
The history of music during the Nazi period in France and Europe has been the subject of many studies and works over the last decade. For example, the conference “La musique à Paris sous l'Occupation” (Music in Paris under the Occupation) (Cité de la musique, 13-14 May 2013, Fayard, 2013) focused on the activity of composers and musicians during this period. The study day “La musique spoliée” (Despoiled music) (Sciences Po, January 2020) set out the various aspects of the subject (history of the spoliation of instruments, music books and scores, memorial approach). This international conference is dedicated specifically to the musical instrument as a heritage and cultural asset.
This symposium has received support from the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah and the Goethe-Institut.
Video Conference
: article de Patricia Kennedy Grimsted
1940-1944, l'occupation de la Couture-Boussey : entre musée et ateliers de fabrication, présentation d'Emanuele Marconi et Déborah Livet
Horizons of Knowledge or What Musical Instruments and Their Collections can tell us, présentation du Dr. Heike Fricke
Archives de l'aryanisation, de la restitution et de l'indemnisation conservées aux Archives nationales, présentation de Lucile Chartain
La recherche de provenance sur les acquisitions du Musée de la musique depuis 1933 : état des travaux et premiers résultats, présentation de Mathilde Caër et de Fabienne Gaudin
Provenance Research in the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (SAM) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, présentation de Monika Löscher
Aux sources des collections du MIM, présentation de Pascale Vandervellen et de Claire Chantrenne
The Instrument Collection of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (The Society of Friends of Music) in Vienna from 1938 until 1991, présentation de Stephan Turmalin
What can Munich art trade sources contribute to provenance research on musical instruments?, présentation de Birgit Jooss et de Theresa Sepp
Spoliations et restitutions. Sources conservées aux Archives de Paris., présentation de Vincent Tuchais
Bibliographie : Autour du colloque
Une sélection de ressources de la Médiathèque
The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah
The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah is a private and public-interest foundation. The initial endowment came from the restitution by the government and certain financial institutions of dormant accounts from expropriated Jews living in France who were killed during the Holocaust.
The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institute, active worldwide. We promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange.